Sunday 5 October 2014


The play is set within a rehearsal space. At the start of the play we see a theatre company about to rehearse a drama - a comedy by Pirandello, which the Director says is incomprehensible. Just as the rehearsal starts, the stage is interrupted by a group of six individuals. They claim to be Characters who are looking for their Author. 

It appears that the Author who began creating them decided against putting them in a drama. The Characters have taken on a life of their own because their Author has failed to complete the story. Their only chance to truly live is to find someone willing to put them in a play. After much confusion between the rehearsing company of actors and the Characters, the bewildered Director finally consents to let the Characters live out their own story on the stage, mimicked in turn by the actors present. 

Within the course of events, philosophical questions relating to reality, truth, illusion, art and the creative process are raised – discussed on stage and provoked in the audience’s or reader’s mind.  The final moments of the play offer no answers as to what was the ultimate truth of the drama which has been unfolding.  The play has been called ‘meta-theatrical’ – a play about theatre and theatricality.

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